Thursday, September 1, 2011

Opossum Snare, NO Problem For Trapper Bob... All City Animal Trapping 877-724-5314

Just a few weeks ago early one morning, I get a phone call at the office from a frantic women stating she just saw an opossum with babies in her back yard when she was watering her garden. She lived in the city of Orange, which was an area Trapper Bob just happen to be covering that day. I called Bob and gave him the news, he finished the job he was currently at and then was on his way to help our customer with the opossum family living in her garden. Trapper Bob arrived in minutes with a snare in one had and a trap in the other, lets just say he was ready for action. Bob has been snaring wild animals for many years so this opossum family will be a piece of cake. The babies were still at an age where they are still clinging onto the mother, so all Bob had to do was safely get the snare around the mother opossums mid section without hurting her or the babies. He chased mother opossum back and forth through the garden but eventually snared her and babies, then safely put them inside of a trap and hauled them away. The customer was extremely happy, all of her fears were gone and now she can get back to working on her garden. If you have any urban wildlife problems just give All City Animal Trapping a call at 877-724-5314, we will quickly come to the rescue and evicted any animal from your home. For more detailed info about our company check out our website at
Signing off, 
Trapper Ken

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