Thursday, October 13, 2011

Raccoon And Feral Cat Trapping In Los Angeles County Call All City Animal Trapping 877-724-5314

The rain is here so this is the time where raccoons can cause huge amounts of damage to your lawn. After we have rain are lawns are full of grubs because the soil is now wet and soft, this process leads to a higher possibility that raccoons will be out at night digging up your garden and rolling up your lawn. Reason is, grubs are high up in the raccoon food chain and very easy to find. If you see digging in your garden, lawn, etc... its most likely a raccon searching for a meal. This problem can be easily solved using our safe humane raccoon traps. Give All City Animal Trapping a call as soon as you see evidence of Raccoon invading your property because they can cause a lot of damage, bring along fleas and carry many diseases even in there droppings. 
If you need urban wildlife removal 24/7 call All City Animal Trapping and we'll solve your problem. Got feral cats? Give us a call 877-724-5314, feral cats can become a huge problem, they multiply extremely fast, never leave your property and will leave droppings everywhere. If you have this problem give us a call and we can trap all cats using humane trapping for safe removal, no harm is done to the cats during our process. If you here unknown sounds call All City Animal Trapping we will send out one of our highly experienced techs, who can perform a full inspection of your home or business and determine exactly what type of critter is invading your space. We can move animals right on the spot if space permits use, but if the animal is not reachable we can easily set up traps and remove all wildlife using are trapping method. Check out our website at  for most answers about urban wildlife.

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