Sunday, October 30, 2011

Opossum, Raccoon, Skunk, Squirrel, Rat, Coyote Trapping and Dead Animal Removal In Riverside and Orange County 877-724-5314

For animal trapping in Riverside and Orange County call All City Animal Trapping at 877-724-5314, we offer urban wildlife trapping and removal services of animals such as raccoons, opossums, squirrels, coyotes, fox's, feral cats, pigeons, moles, gophers, snakes, bob cats, rats and mice. We have been servicing Los Angeles for over 20 years with professional animal trapping and removal service. We also specialize in dead animal removals, repairs and clean ups. If you have a bad odor somewhere in your home that you suspect to be a dead animal but can't locate the origin of the smell, just call All City Animal Trapping 877-724-5314 and one of our highly trained trappers will come to your home or business and locate the animal and take it away, also we'll disinfect the area killing of any disease bacteria. We perform major attic and crawl space clean ups, so if you've had raccoons, opossums, cats or rats living inside your attic or crawl space we can clean up all droppings and nesting materials, disinfect and deodorize your attic and crawl space. Check out our website at


Call All City Animal Trapping For All Your Wild Animal Removal Services In Los Angeles 877-724-5314

Call All City Animal Trapping for professional urban wildlife trapping and removal in Los Angeles County 877-724-5314. We trap and remove animals such as raccoons, opossums, skunks, coyotes, fox's, squirrels, feral cats, rats, moles, gophers, snakes and bob cats. We use humane traps and animals are not harmed during our trapping process. Most people are shocked to find out animals such as raccoons, opossums and skunks are living on their property, these animals are very common in Los Angeles, they are nocturnal and wouldn't be seen until late night hours. If you have openings in your crawl space or attic these animals will move in with no hesitation. Our techs are extremely skilled at many types of repairs and can seal up all animal entry points around your home, making it safe and animal proof. Got Bee problems just call us and set up an appointment for a free quote. We'll send over one of our bee experts to tell you exactly what the cost will be and whats involved in the process of removal. Bees build hives fast and can quickly become a huge problem if not taken care of immediately, so if you have a hive on or around your home call All City Animal Trapping for a free quote and same day removal service. 877-724-5314 and check out or webpage for other services we offer and a list of cities we service.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Urban Wildlife Removal In Riverside Call All City Animal Trapping 877-724-5314, Trapping And Removing Raccoons, Opossums, Skunks, Squirrels and Rodents

 For urban wildlife removal and trapping in Riverside County call All City Animal Trapping 877-724-5314, with over twenty years experience our highly skilled and licensed trappers can remove any animal from your home or business. We have a Low Price Guarantee and will beat any price around, so call us anytime for a free quote. We're open 7 days a week and even have emergency late night services so give us a call at 877-724-5314 for professional urban wildlife removal services, trapping and removing animals such as raccoons, opossums, skunks, coyotes, fox's, rats, snakes, bob cats, feral cats, pigeons, moles, gophers and squirrels. We use humane traps for safe animal trapping. We also remove dead animals, we can take away your pet who has passed or locate and remove dead wildlife from your walls, attic or crawl space, taking away maggots and disinfecting the area. Lately we've been getting a lot of calls from customers wanting to know what animal is digging up their lawn. That would be raccoons, winter is here and the moister brings out the grubs which raccoons really love to eat. They will come back almost everyday for months once they discover your lawn is full of grubs. If you have this problem give us a call at All City Animal Trapping 877-724-5314, we'll solve the problem asap using humane traps to safely trap and remove the animals. For more info about our service check out our web page


Los Angeles and Orange County animal trapping and removal services. All City Animal Trapping your professional urban wildlife company. Trapping and removing animals such as raccoons, feral cats, coyotes, skunks, opossums, pigeons, squirrels and gophers. We offer clean up services, after removing animals from your attic of crawl space we can remove all nesting materials, feces and disinfect the area removing any chance of future problems arousing due to diseases. We also perform repairs, after an inspection to determine your entry points, we can seal everything up to prevent the problem from recurring.We have licensed, highly skilled techs that can trap and remove any urban wildlife critter from your home or business. We also perform  rodent removal, during the first visit we will inspect your entire home for entry points and can rapair every one of them to keep your home secured from other rodents that can cause a future problem. Rats can fit in holes the size of a quarter and mice even small, but that doesn't prevent our techs from finding all entry points and sealing everything up. For any urban wildlife removal service call All City Animal Trapping at 877-724-5314, also check out our website  


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

For Urban Wildlife Removal In Southern California Call All City Animal Trapping 877-724-5314, Trapping And Removing Raccoons, Opossums, Skunks, Squirrels and Rodents

Bees, wasp, if that's your problem we can handle that too. Call us and set up a free bee inspection 877-724-5314. Do not let bees takeover your home, we can come to your home inspect and remove the hive on the same day. We offer a low price guarantee and we'll beat any price for any service. If your a trapper like me and you just need an animal picked up and taken away call us, we can remove animals from your own personal traps also. For Bee removal, skunk removal and trapping, coyote removal and trapping, raccoon removal and trapping, opossum removal and trapping, squirrel removal and trapping call All City Animal Trapping 877-724-5314. All City Animal Trapping has serviced California for over 20 years with highly skilled and licensed trappers who can handle the removal of any urban wildlife critter. You can also call us to rescue your on pet. We get calls all the time with house pets that have escaped and out of fear they hide in crawl spaces. We will come out and rescue your pet for you. Check out the pic below, Trapper Travis did a tortoise rescue. I received a call from a gentlemen who couldn't find his pet tortoise and believed it was under his home. Travis did a full inspection of the crawl space and found the tortoise in minutes, the customer was really happy we found his 20 year old pet. For more info about our services check out our website at 



Raccoon trapping in Los Angeles, Orange County and Riverside call All City Animal Trapping 877-724-5314 ask for Ken or Vic

For professional urban wildlife removal and trapping services call All City Animal Trapping 877-724-5314 and speak with one of our knowledgeable representatives who can answer all your questions about removing wild animals from your home or business, locating entry points repairing them and clean ups. 
Trapping and removing animals such as bob cats, feral cats, raccoons, opossums, moles, rats, squirrels, gophers, snakes, coyote, fox's and  pigeons using humane traps so no animals are harmed. We have been servicing the Southern California area for 20 years with professional urban wildlife removal and trapping services. After removing animals our job is not done, we always go the extra mile. Check out the pictures on this blog, trapper John went out to a customers house in the Hollywood area who was hearing some type of animal sounds in their attic. John went inside the attic and did a full inspection, to his surprise it was a very young raccoon and it was very weak because it was left behind by its mother and probably haven't ate for days. As you can see John took over as the mother and he bottle fed the raccoon and in no time the raccoon was healty and back on its feet. For any urban wildlife services call All City Animal Trapping at 877-724-5314, also check out our website


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Raccoon And Feral Cat Trapping In Los Angeles County Call All City Animal Trapping 877-724-5314

The rain is here so this is the time where raccoons can cause huge amounts of damage to your lawn. After we have rain are lawns are full of grubs because the soil is now wet and soft, this process leads to a higher possibility that raccoons will be out at night digging up your garden and rolling up your lawn. Reason is, grubs are high up in the raccoon food chain and very easy to find. If you see digging in your garden, lawn, etc... its most likely a raccon searching for a meal. This problem can be easily solved using our safe humane raccoon traps. Give All City Animal Trapping a call as soon as you see evidence of Raccoon invading your property because they can cause a lot of damage, bring along fleas and carry many diseases even in there droppings. 
If you need urban wildlife removal 24/7 call All City Animal Trapping and we'll solve your problem. Got feral cats? Give us a call 877-724-5314, feral cats can become a huge problem, they multiply extremely fast, never leave your property and will leave droppings everywhere. If you have this problem give us a call and we can trap all cats using humane trapping for safe removal, no harm is done to the cats during our process. If you here unknown sounds call All City Animal Trapping we will send out one of our highly experienced techs, who can perform a full inspection of your home or business and determine exactly what type of critter is invading your space. We can move animals right on the spot if space permits use, but if the animal is not reachable we can easily set up traps and remove all wildlife using are trapping method. Check out our website at  for most answers about urban wildlife.

Raccoon, coyote, opossum, skunk, squirrel, snake, gopher, moles, pigeons and feral cat trapping in Los Angeles call All City Animal Trapping 877-724-5314 ask for Ken or Vic

For urban wildlife removal and trapping call All City Animal Trapping at 877-724-5314, we have over 20 years experience in the animal trapping industry with highly trained and license trappers. We have a low price guarantee so we'll beat any price, where open 7 days a week so give us a call anytime for a free quote. We trap and remove opossums, raccoons, skunks, squirrels, rats, snakes, coyotes, bob cats, fox's, feral cats, gophers and moles. We use humane animal traps for safe trapping of animals. If you have animals inside your attic or crawl space just call All City Animal Trapping 877-724-5314. We can do a full inspection of your home or business. Some of you may hear or have herd in the past, weird sounds in your attic and assumed its rodents. Well that sound can possibly be an opossum. Opossums are great climbers and can find there way inside your attic or crawl space even through some of the smallest openings. If you suspect opossums are living inside your attic or crawl space give us a call to remove the animal asap, we can also clean up any nesting materials and droppings left behind by the animals. Then repair all entry points to prevent the problem from ever happening again. For more info about our company and to read our list of wonderful reviews check out our website at



Pigeon removal service in Hollywood call All City Animal Trapping 877-724-5314

For pigeon removal and trapping in the Hollywood area call All City Animal Trapping 877-724-5314 your bird clean up crew. Pigeons can cause a lot of damage to your or business if there not removed asap, they reproduce quickly and will attract other pigeons to your property. Pigeons also can bring mites into your home which can cause a bigger issue. Mite bites can cause irritation and rash break outs of the skin. If you have a pigeon problem call us asap for quick humane trapping and nest removal. We also perform clean ups and dead animal removals. We can remove dead animals from pretty much anywhere, attics, crawl spaces, vents and even cut them out of your walls, also after the animal and its remains are removed we will disinfect the area, and can also deodorize the area for rapid odor elimination. We also can handle many types of repairs to prevent animals and rodents from entering inside your home, attic or crawl space, just give us a call and we'll send out a tech to perform a full inspection of your home or business and get all entry points sealed so your place is fully animal proofed. Then once your home is all sealed up and free of wildlife, we can offer you a clean up if need it. Animals such as raccoons, opossums, rats, mice and pigeons can leave behind contaminated feces that can lead to people getting sick inside the home or business, so contact us at All City Animal Trapping 877-724-5314 for all your urban wildlife services. We will rid your home of animals and prevent them from coming back. Check out our website at for a great outlook on services we provide.    


Raccoon, coyote, opossum, skunk, squirrel, snake, gopher, moles, pigeons and feral cat trapping in Orange County call All City Animal Trapping 877-724-5314


For animal trapping in Orange County call All City Animal Trapping at 877-724-5314, we offer urban wildlife trapping and removal services of animals such as raccoons, opossums, squirrels, coyotes, fox's, feral cats, pigeons, moles, gophers, snakes, bob cats, rats and mice. We have been servicing Orange County for over 20 years with professional animal trapping and removal service. Besides trapping animals we also offer many other services, things like attic and crawl space cleanups to remove any feces or nesting materials left behind by animals who once occupied those areas. We also offer be hive removal, check out the pics of a bee hive trapper Bob removed behind an eve of a roof. This particular job was more than what the customer inspected. She noticed bees going into a small hole inside the eve only for just a few weeks, but that's all it takes for the bees to build a huge hive inside of your home. If you notice bees entering any type of hole in the walls of your home it should be taken care of asap, otherwise the hive can cause a lot of damage and very costly to remove. On this job our customer had honey seeping through her drywall and some of her drywall needed to be removed and replaced. If you have a bee issue call All City Animal Trapping right away and one of our professionally trained techs will come to your home or business and resolve the problem in a quick and safe manner. For more info about bees and other services we offer for the Orange County area call All City Animal Trapping at 877-724-5314 and be sure to check out our website also