Friday, July 22, 2011

Pigeon, Opossum, Raccoon, Bats, Gophers, Moles, Skunks, Squirrels And Coyote Trapping In Los Angeles County 877-724-5314 All City Animal Trapping

Call All City Animal Trapping for professional urban wildlife trapping and removal in Los Angeles County 877-724-5314. We trap and remove animals such as raccoons, opossums, skunks, coyotes, fox's, squirrels, feral cats, rats, moles, gophers, snakes and bob cats. We use humane traps and animals are not harmed during our trapping process. Most people are shocked to find out animals such as raccoons, opossums and skunks are living on their property, these animals are very common in Los Angeles, they are nocturnal and wouldn't be seen until late night hours. If you have openings in your crawl space or attic these animals will move in with no hesitation. Our techs are extremely skilled at many types of repairs and can seal up all animal entry points around your home, making it safe and animal proof. If you have animals or had animals living in your attic or crawl space you can also call All City Animal Trapping for a clean up of animal feces and nesting materials, we will also disinfect the area to kill off germs. Got a bad odor you can't detect? Give All City Animal Trapping a call 877-724-5314, it could be a dead animal. Sometimes rats, mice, even raccoons, skunks and opossums can crawl into you attic or crawl space and die, leave a terrible odor, flies and maggots. If this happens to you give All City Animal Trapping a call and one of our techs will quickly locate the animal, remove all maggots and any other waste left behind, then disinfect the area. For any animal services contact us at 877-724-5314, and for more details about our company check out our website at

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